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Lent for Everyone: Week 2

A few members of our community decided to all read a common devotional during this Lenten season, N.T. Wright's: Lent for Everyone. All are welcome to join us in this study. It's my hope to use this blog to further our discussions around what we're reading together. Feel free to leave comments on what you're learning and observing below.

In this past Sunday's devotional reading (Week 2 of Lent) we prayed and meditated on Psalm 121. It's comforting to think that these are the psalms that Jesus and his disciples learned and memorized too. They serve as lessons to us on how we can pray and find comfort and courage as we go about our days. The image of looking up towards the hills, praying towards God in heaven brings back memories for me of the most beautiful sunsets, the mountains of Colorado, the blooming flowers of California...all moments when I've experienced perfect peace in the majesty of God's creation. 

Living in the steel and cement of NYC can sometimes make it hard for us to remember to look up and thank God for how he cares for us. But having a sweet, simple psalm like this on our lips to start the day and end it seems the perfect way to remind ourselves that He is there in all of creation, watching over us, walking with us day by day. 

Take a moment to write down (or even memorize) N.T. Wright's version of the psalm and carry it with you this week: 

Gracious Lord, you made heaven and earth; now, I pray, don't let my foot slip, don't go to sleep while you're watching over me, be my shade on my right hand, keep me from all evil, preserve my going out and coming in. Whether I'm on the move, resting, working, leaving home and returning — at every point, help me remember that you are the world's creator and you will be with me and guard me.