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Meditation Resources

I like being the go-to “meditation person.” When we did the Vapor liturgy, I led the centering prayer at the end. Mike asked me to lead a similar centering prayer during a Union. I was honored to lead a meditation from stage on Sunday this past week. [Click here to listen to Ryan's message and the meditation practice.] But here’s a secret - I’m not always good at meditating, personally. The key to reaping the benefits of meditation is consistency in practice, and let me tell you, I am very inconsistent. I’m sharing this to say, don’t feel frustrated by lack of consistency in your life. Do what you can. Be encouraged to keep coming back to a meditation practice, even if you miss a few days or a few weeks. Try a different style of meditation if one doesn’t work for you. Before I go to bed is a good time for me to spend time in silence; first thing in the morning works better for some people. Find what works for you. Here are some resources that help me when I feel inconsistent or afraid to start my practice again:


How God Changes Your Brain by Andrew Newberg

[My #1 resource on meditation, suggested by Science Mike.]


Meditation podcast - The Liturgists

[Still not sure about meditation and spirituality? Listen.]


Seeking God’s Face

How to Use the Daily Office

[Meditate on the Bible; plus a helpful blog post on how the Forefront staff uses SGF.]


Lectio Divina

Praying Through the Psalms

[Blog posts from Jen Fisher on praying and meditating through Scripture.]


Daily Meditations from the Henri Nouwen Society

[Read online or sign up to receive via email.]


The Cloud of Unknowing 

[Ryan Phipps's favorite resource on prayer and meditation. He wrote a blog post about it too.]