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Serve with Defy Ventures

Join us in giving to Defy Ventures for #CGNYC15 through Saturday, May 9th, 2015 by clicking here.

If you've been following the news lately, you've undoubtedly noticed an uptick in the call for criminal justice and re-entry reform. While system-wide reform may be moving forward at a very slow pace, you can be proactive by breaking destructive legacies and empowering aspiring entrepreneurs through any of the Defy Ventures opportunities below:

May 10 - May 22: Resume Coaching 

Five hour time commitment over a two-week period

This kicks off with a 20-minute online video tutorial that will equip you to edit resumes and personal statements from Defy's Entreprenuers-in-Training. We’ll address topics like:

  • How do you help an Entrepreneur-in-Training (EIT) document a work history when all of it has been illegal?

  • Do you include a job on your resume if you were fired?

  • If you had an unpaid prison job/work assignment, can you include it?

Once you’re a trained expert, you’ll edit five resumes and five personal statements. Bring your A-game!

Monday, May 18: Executive Coaching Night

6:30-9:30pm, OFFSITE (52 W 39th St. New York NY 10018)
Do you have a passion for giving advice to some of America’s scrappiest underdogs? Come serve as a startup coach! Individualized meetings with EITs will focus on offering strategic insight into some of their toughest entrepreneurship obstacles.

Monday, May 25: Mocktail Competition and Sales Expo

6:30-9:30pm, John Jay College of Criminal Justice (524 West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019)
You'll purchase tickets to participate in a competitive marketplace where our EITs will be developing non-alcoholic cocktails and products or vouchers to their businesses while they compete for a $500 prize. Put their salesmanship to the test while you offer feedback on their product positioning, pricing, marketing, and sales strategies.

Nearly 100 million Americans have criminal histories. Will you be part of the solution? 

Email Annie Brown to get involved in any of these activities or future events.