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Together In This (A Final Word)




Eight weeks ago our churches in Manhattan and Brooklyn embarked on a risky adventure together. We set our sights higher than we've ever set them before. We were determined to raise $250,000 so that our churches could not only exist, but thrive.

I must say, as the weeks passed by both Jonathan and I were getting very nervous. We were so far away from our goal and then suddenly something clicked in your hearts and you began to give extravagantly.

In the video above, you discovered that, not only did we meet our goal- we exceeded it by $45,000! After the video was cut together and aired, the money kept coming in.

I'm still speechless. 

We ended our "Together In This" campaign at... wait for it... 

$ 311,688!

I knew that you loved our community and wanted to see it flourish, but never in my wildest dreams did I think you loved our community this much!

In this final blog post about why we #LoveForefront, on behalf of Jonathan, myself, the Leadership Team, and all of the staff, I just wanted to say a HUGE "Thank you!" for your pledges and gifts. Your generosity means so much. Thank you for joining us in the spreading of a just and generous expression of the Christian faith to the people of New York City and the world. 

We are grateful.

We are together in this.

See this content in the original post