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Growing Together: Megan McGibney

I started coming to Forefront in October 2013. Like others, I learned about this church via Google. I was church-hopping at the time, and was looking for a place that would allow for me to freely explore my faith without tying me down with so many rules and shaming me for whatever questions or doubts I had.

From the moment I first walked into the Roulette, I was welcomed with open arms. I had never been welcomed so warmly into any situation before, and it really moved me. I can’t say I was overwhelmed, but I did a feel a deep sense of belonging right away. It was incredible for me. So moved was I, I quickly joined the Hospitality Team in order to give to this church community what it gave to me.

Since then, I have been made a lot of great friends, and have grown so much in my faith. I also have experienced so many ups and downs in life, and the Forefront community has maintained its open arms throughout them. Whether it was a difficult job I had, my episodes with mental illness or even family issues, Forefront has been there.

And sometimes surprisingly so. There were times I was afraid that I would be asked to leave because my personal problems were too much. But that was not ever the case. Forefront gave me grace, and listened whenever I had to talk to someone.

Just recently, I was faced with an unexpected move. I was not in any way, especially financially, ready to do the whole moving process again. I was really upset and knew I had no choice but to ask for a loan from someone. Unsure of where else to go, I reached out to Jonathan and Mira.

It was very awkward for me to ask them for a loan, but they more than willingly gave it to me! I was once again reminded that Forefront is a community I can rely on, no matter how tough things got.

Forefront supported me through thick and thin, and so will I. I want it to last for many more years so it would continue giving the love and support I have been experiencing since I first entered its doors. I want others to experience what I did, and to know they are never alone. That is why I give.

Join us at our Growing Together Celebration Night!