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Makenzie Gomez - Why I Give to Forefront

I first came to Forefront at the end of March of this year. I came alone and didn’t know a single person. I hadn’t stepped foot in a church in maybe 3 years, but I was nearing my rock bottom and came to church as an absolute last resort.

Growing up, church was my safe place... Until It wasn’t. To give you an idea, the two messages that still sting and are embedded in my memory even 10 years later are: 1) my high school small group leader telling me that pursuing acting as a career was equivalent to worshiping the devil and 2) when the same church had a gay speaker come... who then preached about how God doesn’t hate him for being gay, but God would hate him if he “pursued it”.

These messages didn’t stop me from pursuing theatre. But they did stop me from addressing a huge part of my identity, and therefore lodged a huge wedge between me and God.

So there I am listening to this Jonathan dude preach, and he passionately but also kind of casually mentions why he believes in LGBTQIA inclusion. SHOCKED, I scanned the room, but no one seemed phased, almost as if they’d heard it before. Next thing I know it’s communion, and someone says “all are welcome at this table” and it actually felt like they meant it. The lights shifted, the music swelled, and I burst into tears. 

I first came out to myself and to God during my first Forefront communion 9 months ago. It still feels like something out of a fairytale- coming out not only while attending church, but because of a straight white man’s sermon? Blasphemy! 

I threw myself into a small group, began serving through worship team and set up team, and I began giving financially (on Venmo @FFBK-gifts). Through diving into a small group, I quickly found my niche: a community of queer folx and allies in their 20s-30s who discussed theology while simultaneously cracking jokes about queer culture. I found a Sunday morning community of people who come from every walk of life; people of every color, age, gender, and orientation truly mimicking the makeup of NYC. These communities alone have transformed my quality of life beyond my wildest dreams. Then I was asked to join the staff. Me, a queer woman of color who a decade ago was told she was following the devil and God hates her, a church staff member? Okay God, I see you. And I don’t see hatred in the slightest. Being on staff is such an honor. Forefront has revealed my potential in areas I didn’t even know were there. Now, I couldn’t imagine spending my days any other way. 

My trajectory here has been quite accelerated. But when I sense a good thing, I go ALL-IN. From newcomer, to small group member, to volunteer, and now to staff, I can say with full conviction that the Lord’s work is alive and strong at Forefront.

I give to Forefront because every week my views of God and God's kingdom are challenged. 

I give because Forefront’s the first church I’ve ever been to that encourages their congregation to ask questions, going against the “blind faith” I was raised on. I give because by finding this way of Progressive Christianity, I found myself, the version of me that God MEANT to make. I give because their message of a God who is so much greater than we know, and the fact that they set out to make this a safe place for those marginalized and a safe place for deconstruction and reconstruction of faith truly changed my life

If this place helped me let God back into my life, I can only imagine how many others are out there wondering if they can do the same. How many people NEED to hear that God does not hate them at all! I found that love here, and I hope and pray that we can GIVE not only to keep these doors open but to expand to reach even more people even more quickly. I don’t give just for my own story. But my story inspires me to give so that those who don’t yet have access can gain it. 

I invite you to reflect on your story. On why you came here, and keep coming back. I invite you to give what you can so we can continue spreading this truly Good News. 

So thank you, Forefront and all who have been in my life big or small this year. I have had the most God-filled transformative 9 months of my life, and I am so excited to continue along this ride with you all... as we usher in the next 500 years of Christianity.