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Holy Phone Calls Day July 15, 2020

HolyPhoneCallsDay Week 6

Happy #HolyPhoneCallsDay! The day of the week when we make Holy Phone Calls to our representatives and plant the seeds of change in our country. Thanks to some amazing volunteers, you won’t be overwhelmed with options.

Each week we compile topics, scripts and contact details, so you don’t have to! To get updated on this week’s focused action items, come to this page at 11am ET!

*See our Guide to Government Officials at the end of this blog*

Action 1: Budget Justice

Day of Action Pushing State Legislators to Pass the Budget Equity Act

Phone/eMail Script: Hi, my name is ______________ and I’m a constituent from zip code ________.

Every year, State legislators say that they do not have enough power in the state budget process, and the Governor has too much power. I completely agree: Governor Cuomo’s austerity decisions have led us into crisis. It’s time for the legislature to re-balance the budgetary powers, which is why I’m urging [Insert Elected Name] to support the passage of the Budget Equity Act (S8198/A9100). As my representative, it’s imperative you fight to represent me in the budget process! Is [insert elected name] a co-sponsor of the bill?

If they are not a co-sponsor: Can I count on [insert elected name] to sign on as a co-sponsor today?

If they are a co-sponsor: Great! I’m so glad [insert elected name here] is a supporter. Can I count on them to fight for the passage of these bill? 

Social Media Scripts:

Checks and balances are fundamental to our democracy. For too long, the budget process in NY State has been lopsided, giving the Executive virtually unlimited power. The @NYSenDems & @NYSA_Majority must pass the Budget Equity Act! Call now: #BudgetJusticeThe Governor has far too much power in our budget process and is hell bent on cutting funding for critical social services. It’s time to balance the budget powers. Our state legislature must act! @(tag your elected) will you fight to pass the Budget Equity Act (S8198/A9100)?

Follow along the rest of the week to continue calling and representing. You can also access many more resources/events here.

Action 2: Save Asylum

Asylum is still under attack and today is the last day to submit a Public Comment!

Submit your Public Comment heretoday, July 15, is the deadline!

Copied from New Sanctuary Coalition “The Trump Administration proposed an alarming new rule that will rewrite our asylum laws and completely gut protections for people fleeing life-threatening persecution.

This rule will be a death sentence for thousands of asylum seekers. It will also make it incredibly difficult for a future president to reverse the profound damage the Trump Administration has caused in its first term. Your voice matters. The Trump Administration will be required to consider and respond to every individualized comment that is submitted. The more unique comments they receive, the longer it will take them to finalize the rule and begin using it to deny asylum cases and deport refugees.”

What you need to know

Over the past three years, the Trump Administration has attacked our refugee protection system from every angle, working at breakneck speed to place one obstacle after another in front of asylum seekers.

They have rejected longstanding legal precedents on matters as basic as the very definition of a refugee, making it nearly impossible for people fleeing deadly domestic violence or gang brutality to find protection.

They have all but shut down asylum processing at our southern border, trapping tens of thousands of asylum seekers in extremely dangerous conditions.

This new rule will codify these hateful policies and more in a single, vast federal regulation that will completely dismantle our asylum system.

Lift your voice

It is vital that as many people as possible speak out against the proposed rule. If the Administration is flooded with comments from our communities, it will take longer for them to put the rule into action.

The government will accept comments only until July 15, 2020. Your comment does not need to be long, but in order for it to be considered it must be in your own words.

Write about whatever part of the new rule you find most outrageous. Speak from personal experience if you can – as an advocate, as an asylee, or as a concerned community member. Perhaps your family came to this country seeking protection, or you know friends or neighbors who have benefited from our asylum system.

Action 3: Support the Justice in Policing Act 

The Justice in Policing Act has passed the House and now we need it to pass the Senate.

#1: CALL YOUR Senators to support the act HERE.

#2: Join essential workers on social media for a National Digital Day of Action on July 15 to hold Congress accountable for passing the Heroes Act. Get creative on Wednesday by recording a quick selfie video about why we need the Heroes Act and post it on your preferred social media channels. Don’t forget to tag your Senator’s official Twitter handles and use the hashtag #DoYourJob. Follow along with us at @IndivisibleTeam as we share and uplift your posts on Wednesday.

After you post your video, make sure to call your Senators to demand they pass the Heroes Act without watering it down. Working families are struggling to make ends meet and we need every protection in the Heroes Act to pass or lives will be at stake.

Research the Act here. 

Find your Senators here:…/contact_informati…/senators_cfm.cfm


Why? This piece created by “How Stuff Works” explains it all.

How? it is super simple! Get started here.

Already took it and want to Volunteer? Phone Banking info can be found here 


HolyPhoneCallsDay Week 5


Why? This piece created by “How Stuff Works” explains it all.

How? it is super simple! Get started here.

Already took it and want to Volunteer? Phone Banking info can be found here 

Action 1: Save Student Visas

Student visa requirements for F-1 and M-1 are being modified. Read this news release and make sure you, or your loved ones’, understand the changes.

Next, check out this Guide for an extensive look at what is happening with F-1 and M-1 visas and how you can help!

Action 2: Justice in Policing Act 

CALL YOUR SENATORS: Demand the Senate stay in session until they pass the HEROES and Justice in Policing Acts 

The Senate is heading for vacation while millions of Americans face poverty, illness, and death as a result of the coronavirus. 19 states have suspended their reopening plans and there are tens of thousands of new cases every day. And, while hundreds of thousands of Americans all over the country are protesting police brutality and systemic racism, Mitch McConnell has let the Justice in Policing Act languish without a vote in favor of toothless reforms with no impact. 

Republican Senators refuse to do their jobs and pass legislation that would help Americans facing an urgent crisis. New Yorkers are facing extensive budget cuts to vital human programs because the federal government refuses to provide financial aid to cities and states affected by the virus.

Without the funding for Vote-by-Mail included in the HEROES Act, our elections this November will make people sick. And while Black communities across the country face police brutality and gutted community programs, the Justice in Policing Act is an important first step in ensuring justice and fixing our broken policing system. 

Use the following talking points to call your Senators and demand that they pass these bills, and then text your friends and make sure they call as well. Especially if you have friends in states with Republican Senators up for reelection, like Maine, Arizona, and Colorado.

“Hi my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [ZIP CODE] and I’m calling to demand that the Senate stay in session until the HEROES and Justice in Policing Acts are passed. 

It is appalling that Senators will be leaving for vacation without passing these much needed bills. We need the financial assistance for cities, states, small businesses and individuals in the HEROES Act.

We also must fund vote-by-mail if we are going to have safe elections this fall

In addition, the Justice in Policing Act is an important first step in ensuring justice for Black and brown communities who face continued violence from the police through excessive use of force, over policing, and a lack of accountability. 

We must pass these incredibly important bills to provide vital assistance to states, cities, and communities, and to start the long process of protecting communities from police violence and redirect resources to community supported investments.”

Find your Senators here:…/contact_informati…/senators_cfm.cfm

Action 3:  FULLY FUND NY Public Schools 

The Alliance for Quality Education is fighting against Mayor de Blasio’s proposal to cut at least $800 million from New York City’s public schools, including mental health support for students. All while proposing nearly $450 million on police in schools and millions more to expand the NYPD. Learn more about what you can do, and how you can help, here!

Here’s who to contact to push your government representatives to take action:

Senate Education Committee, not yet a supporter of S7378

Joseph Addabbo, Toby Ann Stavisky, John E. Brooks, Andrew Lanza, Kenneth LaValle, Betty Little, John Liu, Monica Martinez, Shelley Mayer (committee chair), Jen Metzger, Velmanette Montgomery, Joseph Robach, James L. Seward, Senate Budget & Revenue Committee, not yet a supporter of S7378, George Borrello, Simcha Felder, Liz Krueger, John Liu, Monica Martinez, James L. Seward

Assembly Education Committee, not yet a supporter of A10363

Carmen Arroyo, Rodneyse Bichotte, Inez Dickens, Steven Englebright, Alicia Hyndman, Kimberly Jean-Pierre, Latoya Joyner, Barbara Lifton, William Magnarelli, Steven Otis, Amy Paulin, Philip Ramos. Sean Ryan, Rebecca Seawright, Alfred Taylor, Assembly Ways and Means Committee, not yet a supporter of A10363, Jeffrion Aubry, Michael Benedetto, Edward Braunstein, Kevin Cahill, Vivian Cook, Michael Cusick, J. Gary Pretlow, Deborah Glick, Joseph Lentol, John McDonald III, Michael Miller, N. Nick Perry, Catherine Nolan, Robert Rodriguez, Nily Rozic, Robin Schimminger, David Wepri

HolyPhoneCallsDay Week 4

Action 1:  Save Asylum! Our Asylum Is Under Attack

Copied from New Sanctuary Coalition “The Trump Administration proposed an alarming new rule that will rewrite our asylum laws and completely gut protections for people fleeing life-threatening persecution.

This rule will be a death sentence for thousands of asylum seekers. It will also make it incredibly difficult for a future president to reverse the profound damage the Trump Administration has caused in its first term. Your voice matters. The Trump Administration will be required to consider and respond to every individualized comment that is submitted. The more unique comments they receive, the longer it will take them to finalize the rule and begin using it to deny asylum cases and deport refugees.”

We have until July 15 to submit comments detailing our concerns about this law. The administration is legally obligated to respond to each issue raised in these comments. This process can be lengthy so the rule is not expected to go into effect until the fall at the earliest. With enough comments and public outcry, we hope to delay its effect even longer.”

BY JULY 15: Submit a comment based on experiences you’ve had with Friends or based on how wrong we know these new regulations are. See NSC website for more information on how to comment. 

Share this information widely with friends, family, community members, and on social media; their page also includes a social media toolkit to make it easy and effective to get the word out.

3-Let local, state, and federal legislators know that we expect them to stand with us as we fight to #SaveAsylum

If you would like to join an NSC-led Zoom call to get more information, including instructions on how to submit a comment, please email:

Action 2:  Industries in Crisis

Currently our arts community and our events community are hurting drastically. Broadway is officially closed for the rest of the year, and events are still being pushed back to 2021. Many artists pick up jobs in the events industry in between contracts, creating even more of an issue. Both communities are asking for help to pressure officials into extending PUA and creating safe relief for the workers. 

Here is how to take action:  

  • Lobby our senators for greater protections for workers during this time: SCRIPT HERE

  • Pressuring Officials to extend PUA for Events and Arts Employees and Business Owners: SIGN HERE 

  • Demand Higher Standards for Black Hair and Make Up in Entertainment HERE

Tuesday, June 23, any time. The City Budget will be voted on soon, so it’s time to keep the pressure on City Council. Demand cuts to the NYPD budget in order to avoid cuts to schools and social services. Sign up to make a call here.  

Action 3:  CONTINUED: Call City Council to Defund the NYPD.

The proposed budget plans involve “fuzzymath” and do not implement real change. Please continue to pressure officials to see real change involving less of a weaponized police presence.

This article from the Communities United for Police Reform exposes the shennanigans.

The DSA also issued a statement confirming the “shell game” that Mayor Bill De Blasio and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson are playing with the proposed cuts to the NYPD Budget.

HolyPhoneCallsDay Week 3

Action 1: 

Sign This to Demand Implementation of NY State’s New Climate Law: 

We passed a landmark climate law last year, but the state is dragging its heels on implementation. Sign this petition from our partners at NY Renews to weigh in.  

Action 2:  Call City Council to Defund the NYPD: 

Tuesday, June 23, any time. The City Budget will be voted on soon, so it’s time to keep the pressure on City Council. Demand cuts to the NYPD budget in order to avoid cuts to schools and social services. Sign up to make a call here.  

Action 3: 

Continue to advocate for Breonna Taylor.

 While the officers who murdered George Floyd have been at least charged, the officers who murdered Taylor, a young EMT shot 8 times in her home have yet to be. Taylor's family filed a wrongful death lawsuit two months after her killing, claiming charges of battery, wrongful death, excessive force, negligence and gross negligence The FBI are opening an investigation. Taylor deserves justice.

Actions:  Text ENOUGH to 55156; sign the petition (Color of Change) to demand all officers are fired immediately; dial the mayor at 844-298-2731 to demand justice

Bonus: Kentucky Voter Suppression

Stacey Abrams' Fair Fight is working to combat voter suppression. SIGN UP for action alerts, and to be connected with other ways to combat voter suppression. Kentucky dropped the polling locations from 3200 to only 200 statewide. There’s only ONE polling place in Jefferson county - where half of Black Kentuckians live, and which holds 600,000 registered voters. To add insult to injury, Louisville, where Breonna Taylor lived, is in Jefferson County. So they're just really digging in their heels on the white supremacy and voter suppression.

HolyPhoneCallsDay - Week 2 

Action 1: Call to get Cuomo to reverse bail reform rollback!

Gov Cuomo's office: 1-518-474-8390

Gov Cuomo on Twitter:

 On Jan. 1, 2020, New York implemented historic bail and pretrial discovery reforms that were the result of years of debate in Albany. The laws eliminated cash bail and the possibility of pretrial detention for most misdemeanor and non-violent felony charges. They required prosecutors to turn over all of the evidence in a case early on, ending the trial-by-ambush practice previously allowed.

 Thanks to the reforms, tens of thousands of New Yorkers arrested early this year were spared days or months in jail. Instead, they were released unless and until actually convicted, with pretrial services and support if needed. Jail populations across the state dropped by 30% and continued to decline.

Yet despite the fact that the reforms were working, and a pandemic was taking hold, in April of this year, the governor and Legislature rolled back the reforms, ensuring that thousands more people, including the many New Yorkers who find themselves without jobs or stable housing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, will face the threat of pre-trial jailing once again come July 3. 

Why? Because the police unions and their allies demanded it. For months, law enforcement officers and unions across the state decried that there would be blood in the streets if the reforms went into effect. When that didn’t happen, they decried the fact that a very small number of people who were released without bail were re-arrested, which has always been the case. And that was enough to scare a small majority of lawmakers into conceding. Once again, the police unions prevailed over the will of the community.

***We must take action before July 3 to ensure that they do not take hold.*** 

Daily News Cuomo Bail

Cuomo Bail Reform

Action 2:  Call State Senator to Repeal ‘Walking While Trans Ban’ (Penal Law Section 240.37)

To Find out Who represents you (NY):

State Senators:

In 1976, New York criminalized behavior described as “loitering for the purpose of engaging in a prostitution offense.” The statute faced constitutional challenges from the outset. Legal Aid Society lawyers, on behalf of a woman, arrested the first day the law was in effect, argued that it was unconstitutionally vague and overbroad and inhibited free speech. Their efforts were successful in lower courts but the case went to the Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, where the law was upheld as constitutional. In 1977, police made 9,565 “loitering prostitution arrests” in Manhattan alone, reported the New York Times the following year.

This history is recounted in a new report from the New York City Bar Association that was published Monday. With the report, the organization, which has a membership of over 24,000 lawyers, announced its support for a bill that would repeal the statute, Penal Law Section 240.37. Although the number of arrests under the law is a very small fraction of what they were in the 1970s, the statute continues to be part of a larger pattern of criminalization and marginalization.

Because of how Section 240.37 is enforced, it has come to be known colloquially as the “walking while trans” ban. The bar association report looks in detail at how arrests “disproportionately target and impact marginalized communities, in particular LGBTQ people (including runaway and homeless youth), women of color and immigrants.” Enforcement of the law has come to be particularly harmful to transgender New Yorkers “because the police are more likely to mistakenly believe transgender people are sex workers.”

These are the consequences of a statute that provides little to no guidance—and confers broad discretion—in enforcement, and inevitably encourages police profiling based on perceived ethnicity, national origin, and immigration status by permitting arrests of individuals who, according to police, ‘look like prostitutes.’


Senate Vote

Action 3: Call Governor Cuomo to #CancelRent before June ends (when the ban on evictions is lifted) and provide more mortgage relief for homeowners 

Gov Cuomo's office: 1-518-474-8390

“44% of black tenants said they have little or no confidence they would be able to meet their next rent payment, according to the latest snapshot of census.”

Organizing on the ground to get governor to cancel rent: 

Action 4: Sign the petition for Breonna Taylor.

 While the officers who murdered George Floyd have been at least charged, the officers who murdered Taylor, a young EMT shot 8 times in her home have yet to be. Taylor's family filed a wrongful death lawsuit two months after her killing, claiming charges of battery, wrongful death, excessive force, negligence and gross negligence The FBI are opening an investigation. Taylor deserves justice.

Actions:  Text ENOUGH to 55156; sign the petition (Color of Change) to demand all officers are fired immediately; dial the mayor at 844-298-2731 to demand justice

HolyPhoneCallsDay Week 1


Indivisible BK -- a great org to follow and subscribe to --shared a great resource that includes a script and link to find your NY City Council member here.…/1LAxNkYwy0fD4dTV1hqfz7Xy--l…/edit…

Also, please share in the comments any other issues or bills that you would like our community to call about. Comment when you are done calling! Let's continue to commit to action.

This weekly event comes to you from Justice team which is co-led by Adelle McElveen, Carissa Campbell and Jennifer Krist - feel free to reach out to them at if you are interested in joining! Next Wednesday, someone on the Justice team will make the next Holy Humpday post with a suggested action item. I'm just kicking it off on their behalf.

Why are we doing this?

We are a church that believes Jesus is political (not partisan), in that he consistently sided with those who were less powerful in unequal systems of power. We are committed to praying, educating ourselves, and taking action in following what we believe to be the way of Jesus. For more:



Consists of two separate legislative chambers that make up Congress.

Senators represent their entire states, but members of the House represent individual districts acting on behalf of constituents in their districts when it comes to bills, resolutions, and other national issues in Congress. 

Congress consists of both senators and house reps (both congressmen). Right now, congress consists of 100 senators (two from each state) and 435 voting members of the House of Representatives

A U.S. Representative represents a state at the federal level, an Assemblymen represents a state at the non-federal level.

To Find out who Federally represents you:

Office Numbers for House Reps. - Based on State name & district number:

Senator Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

Simply say the name of your US Senator ("Chuck Schumer, please") and they will direct you to their phones (or voicemail).

New York’s Senators: 

Chuck Schumer

Direct Office #: (202) 224-6542

More Info:

Kirsten Gillibrand

Direct Office #: (202) 224-4451

More Info:


Every state, except Nebraska, consists of two separate legislative chambers (similar to the Federal level).

Governors hold power to enforce state laws and sign or veto bills passed by the state legislature.

The New York State Senate is the upper of the two legislative bodies that deal with state laws and bills.

New York State Assembly Members is the lower of the legislative bodies and they deal with bills before they go on to the Senate. The Assembly is also divided into districts, but districts that differ from those used by the state Senate.

NY Governor: 

Andrew M. Cuomo

Office Number: 518-474-8390

More Info:

To Find out Who represents you (NY):

State Senators:

*For Rockaway:

11693: Joseph P. Addabbo Jr, District 15 | Phone: 518- 455-2322

11692: James Sanders Jr., District 10 | Phone: 518-455-3531

State Assembly Members:

*For Rockaway:

11693: Stacey Pheffer Amato, District 23 | Phone: 518-455-4292

11692: Currently NO COVERAGE! (We need to change this!), District 31 | 518-455-5668


The Mayor dictates city policy, appoints and oversees city departments, etc.

The Public Advocate for the City (NYC specific) acts as a watchdog on the activities of city agencies and the voice of New Yorkers in local government. The public advocate is also a member of the City Council who can introduce and sponsor legislation, but not vote on it.

The City Comptroller is in charge of the city's finances, budget, and auditing city agencies.

The City Council Members runs separately from the mayor’s office, the Council votes on proposed laws at a city level and monitors local agencies.

The Borough President (NYC specific). These five elected officials advocate on behalf of their boroughs to the Mayor’s Office. They have a sizable say in public land use in their boroughs.

City Reps (NYC):

Mayor: Bill de Blasio | Phone: 212- 788-7585 | Info:

Public Advocate: Jumaane D. Williams | Phone: 212-669-7200 | Info:

City Comptroller: Scott Stringer | Phone: 212- 669-3916 | Info:

City Councilmen:


11693: Eric A. Ulrich, District 32 | Phone: 212-788-7069

11692: Donovan J. Richards, District 31 | Phone: 212-788-7216

Borough Presidents:

Manhattan: Gale Brewer,  212-531-1609

Brooklyn: Eric L. Adams,  718-802-3700

Queens: Sharon Lee, 718-286-3000

The Bronx: Ruben Diaz Jr., 718-590-3557

Staten Island: James Oddo, 718-816-2000