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Guild Kin

*To see what's happening in the life of Guilds, go to

I'm starting to understand how important it is for people to know why they're doing what they're doing. There are a thousand things you can say 'yes' to in a given week as a New Yorker, and you're being silly if you think you can say yes to all of them. We're grateful that many of you put creative guilds on that yes list. 

This past Saturday, we hosted the first Guild Kin with one of our goals being to let you guys know why guilds are a consistent 'yes' for those of us who lead them.

We started guilds to foster creativity and create spaces for people to collaborate with their medium and cross-medium. Collaboration can take us and our ideas to brand new places beyond where we could've gone on our own, and the community we build in the process can help us creatives work through struggles and our identity as artists.

For Guild kin, our leaders all created 8 minute sessions to take people through, giving them a sense of part of the process involved in the other guilds which most of them hadn't been to before. Everyone saw and experienced something new, which was precisely the goal. 

This fall, on September 13th, we're holding our 2nd annual Guild Collective. Our theme for this year is 'Search: A celebration of process', giving us the chance to shift our focus away from polished work, and onto the beautiful steps involved in getting 'there'.