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Small Group Leader (SGL) Description

*Small group leader Tony D'Souza deeply entrenched at a recent Leadership Community 


Small Group Leaders (SGL) create an environment where group members can pursue authentic community and spiritual growth in three vital areas: their trust in God, love for people and service to the world.They are primarily responsible for providing their groups with vision, direction, and support.

Small Group Essentials

If leaders implement these five priorities we feel they will be setting their group up for success. During the course of 2014 we will dig deep on one of these at Leadership Community and future Leadership Gatherings.

Think Life-Change

Create an environment where God is active. Pray for a small group where people change. Keep your group purposeful by creating an environment where participants can experience authentic community and spiritual growth.

Cultivate Relationships

Relationships don’t just happen; relationships require intentionality and predictability. A few ways to cultivate relationships with people both inside your group and those that Jesus calls our ‘neighbors’:

-Serve on Sundays or in the city together
-Invite some or all out for drinks, dinner, a movie, etc. -Celebrate birthdays, holidays, etc.
-Go on an overnight trip
-Listen for practical ways to serve those around you

Promote Participation

Create broad ownership of the group, encouraging all to participate in the facilitation and leadership of the group meeting. SGL’s are to navigate discussion, not teach curriculum. Ask open-ended questions, allow for honest dialogue and invite people to share their lives.

Provide Care

When you do life with others opportunities for care will arise naturally. From lost jobs to broken relationships there will be plenty of ways to pray for and provide care for those in your group, and for your group to care for you.

Replace Yourself
This essential opens the door for others to experience group life.While we recognize this to be the most difficult aspect of group leadership, it can also be the most rewarding.


1. Connected. They are active participants at Forefront

2. Culture. They embrace Forefront’s vision, mission & values

3. Character. They are known for their integrity by those who know them best

4. Chemistry. They have met with a Forefront Pastor

5. Competence. They have previously participated in a small group


  1. Shepherd the group by facilitating the group and monitoring its health

  2. Guide decisions relating to the group’s direction around our vision, mission and values

  3. Meet with the Lead Pastor for one-on-one discussions 3-4 times per year, and for SGL training 3-4 times per year

  4. Attend Leadership Community and our Annual Fall Leaders Retreat

  5. Communicate updated group information to our office

Values & Goals


While prayer and discussion of curriculum are key elements of a community group, the driving force behind the group is the building of relationships.


The atmosphere of a community group should encourage openness and vulnerability among members.This is an environment where people should feel free to be themselves.


For authenticity to occur, members must be able to trust that issues discussed within a group will not be shared outside the group.


A primary responsibility of community is to prioritize for specific relationships. This requires a willingness to be available to meet each other’s needs.


Group members recognize that one of the goals of their group is to start a new group in 12-18 months so that others can experience the small group relationship.

Small Group “Wins”

-The Group Leader is pursuing authentic community and spiritual growth

-Group members are pursuing authentic community and spiritual growth