The justice of God is always restorative. God is constantly working to restore systems, communities, families, and humanity. For us to be a just and generous church, we serve as a way to partner with God in bringing restoration to all things. 

Join us by volunteering with one of our partner organizations.

Have questions or need help finding the right fit for you? Email Shaina Fuller our Justice Deacon.

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Ruth’s Refuge

Ruth's Refuge provides home furnishings and essentials to refugees, asylees, and asylum seekers in New York City.

See for more info


Greenpoint Reformed Hunger Program

We partner with Greenpoint Church where we help with the preparing and serving of a hot meal to about 80 people.

If you're interested in volunteering on a Wednesday or Thursday you can sign up here.

Questions email our Justice Deacon.


Mutual Aid Center For Migrants

Forefront partners with Judson Memorial Church in Greenwich Village to provide aid to the tens of thousands of migrants seeking asylum who have been bused into New York City. Every Monday, a vibrant community shares space where all can enjoy nourishing food and find warm, clean clothing as well as other necessities including diapers, strollers, toiletries, and Metrocards. If you are interested in joining their email list. it highlights volunteer opportunities from week to week. The rough slot breakdown is on Mondays from: 9am to 12noon, 12noon to 3pm, 2pm to 5pm

Email the Executive Council to be added to the list



Launchpad provides coaching, tools and resources to leaders who sense a calling (however tentative or unformed) to launch something new into the world – whether that something is a church, an organization, a podcast or “yet to be determined.” But whatever it is, something that is loudly and clearly inclusive, antiracist, love and justice, and joy-generating.

Launchpad is honored to share the journey of launching inclusive projects and communities with incredible leaders around the country. When we partner together, we all learn what it looks like to launch more inclusive communities of love and justice.

Learn more


Legal Aid End to Prison Slavery

Forefonters volunteer with Legal Aid to lobby for an end to the 13th amendment loop hole that allows for incarcerated individuals to for forced labor. We joined Coalition members from across New York to rally in the state capitol and meet with legislators to pass the No Slavery in NY Act and the Fairness & Opportunity for Incarcerated Workers Act.

Together we can achieve #NoSlaveryinNY! CALL YOUR NEW YORK STATE REP: You can request to join the email list here to discover ways to partner and advocate for this important legislative change.

Check a video of our our visit to Albany


Faith & Climate: Green Faith

Forefront values environmental justice and engages in this work through our partnership with Green Faith and a small group called Faith & Climate which you can join to joining the email list to stay up to date on opportunities for environmental justice.