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Here's Your Chance to Stop

[Jesus’ key concept] “Is the opposite of what we might expect: If you want to see change in the outside world, the first step is to withdraw into your inner world." – Brian Mclaren, We Make the Road by Walking. 

Jesus is arguably the most productive person who ever lived. In three years of ministry Jesus started a revolutionary movement that is now practiced by almost 4 billion people worldwide. And yet in the midst of the this ministry, the Gospels mention 12 different times that Jesus took time to withdraw to his inner world. Seems like stopping to rest, pray, retreat, and withdraw is imperative to our spiritual and communal growth. 

We want to give our community new ways to stop and withdraw into our inner worlds so that we see the growth we desire. Here's a tool that can help.

Take time to pray through the Examen offered by Aaron Niequist and his New Liturgy Series

It forces us to stop and remember that we have a Jesus who pays for our rest through his death and resurrection. And remember, in order to change the world we have to take time to retreat to our inner world.