Two months ago we embarked on an ambitious journey. We asked you to join us in continuing the mission of our church. We asked each of you to give to our church’s general budget in order to answer our community’s call for a more just and generous expression of Christianity. In fact, we asked you to give $250,000 for our general budget. Our goal was two times the amount we had ever raised in the past. It was indeed an ambitious proposition, but one we believed to be the most important in the history of our church community. 

We shared our vision. We talked about the hearts we have for this city. We listened to the stories of life change. And you gave extravagantly in ways that I couldn’t even begin to imagine. 

We didn’t raise $250,000.

WE RAISED $313,468.71!

I’ve never been more proud of our church. 

I’m proud because each of you believe in bringing about our vision of a just and generous Christianity to this city. 

I’m proud because each of you believe in the life-changing community of our church. 

I’m proud because each of your have shown that there is good news in this gospel message.

I’m proud because each of you truly own the good work being done by our community and its members.

I look forward to seeing the way God works in our church through the most unexpected people and in the most unexpected ways. 

I am sincerely grateful to each and everyone of you for your willingness to partner with us on this amazing journey. 

And part of our gratitude is making sure that we make wise decisions with our resources. We want to be good stewards with the financial resources that our church has raised. Over the past few months we’ve cut almost $200,000 from our budget. We recognize that our ministry can be just as effective by streamlining the way we spend money. And it’s in this call to be good stewards of our resources that I’m beyond excited to announce our next endeavor. 

I am happy to tell you that starting on July 1, the Forefront Church offices will move from our current location at 928 Broadway to WeWork Nomad, located at 79 Madison Avenue.

This is great news! Here’s why.

Our move to the WeWork space allows us to work amongst New York’s best and brightest. 
It allows us to collaborate, create, and connect with other organizations doing great work in our city. 
It allows us to work within an organization (WeWork) that shares a similar vision and values.
It creates visibility for our church and the work our community is doing. 
Our move to Madison Ave and 28th St keep us in the Gramercy neighborhood where it all began, accessible by the N R and 6 trains.
Finally, it will save us almost $70,000 a year to move our offices, allowing for more financial flexibility in our ministry and continued growth!

You can check out our new office space by going to the WeWork website.

We’re so encouraged by your commitment to Forefront. We want to make sure that we make the best decisions we can for our church. We know that this office move will let us continue our vision of a just and generous Christianity in new and profound ways. 

This is just the beginning!

Thank you for your commitment. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for being Together In This. 
