#NoLongerANimrod Resources

On Labor Day weekend in Brooklyn, Jonathan finished our RETOLD series with a message on the Tower of Babel. He challenged us through this story to realize that at the heart of our religion is the idea that equality for all and social justice for all is not just a nice idea, it’s an imperative. It’s at the heart of the story of God, and it’s at the heart of the Jesus story.

If the story of the Tower of Babel tells us anything it’s that God’s intention for God’s Kingdom here on earth includes an absolute imperative for us to promote social, financial, and capital responsibility. We have the absolute privilege of being so loved by God. Jesus's death and resurrection allows us to contribute to the end of the human suffering that exists in our world in the pursuit of power, convenience, and technology. This means we must move beyond religious platitudes and actually do some real sacrificing. 

At the end of his message, Jonathan challenged us to "no longer be a Nimrod" but to be willing to make sacrifices in the name of shalom - peace and wholeness for ALL human beings and for creation. So as promised, below you'll find resources to help you make better decisions about the clothes, food, and technology you buy. 

These are just a few of the many incredible organizations out there who are working for the good of all...If you know of others who should be on this list, email them to us! 


Ethical Clothing



Ethical Food and Farming



                                                            http://www.grownyc.org                                                                 (Forefront member and Leadership Team Member, Jen Ugolino works here.)



Companies that provide fair wages and favorable working conditions



                                                       http://landofathousandhills.com/                                                                   (This is the company that provides our coffee every Sunday at Forefront.) 


Organizations who support human rights

