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Growing Together: Tiffany Curtis

I do not want to know a life where God(Love) is not present. For so long, this presence of God felt like a lurking shadow – a feeling and figure that wanted to correct and discipline my every move. Every pain felt like a reminder of how bad I was. In a world where I worked so hard to just be the best Christian, daughter, friend, sister, cousin, niece, student, person - it just felt like I was never good enough for God. Admittedly, it still feels that way. And this is why I go to Forefront, because there has never been a time when the core of who I am – a soul that is fully worthy of love and believing that I am loveable – felt in question. It was the welcoming of Leslie on my first day; the dynamic sermon by Sarah; the coffee meetings with Mira, Jubi and Jonathan; and the dinners with new Forefront friends that told me: you’re seen…you can bring all of yourself into this place.

At Forefront I am challenged to live out my visions for love-led action, encouraged to pursue the heart of Christ, and continue my service to God. Giving to Forefront is a reminder that to work towards the bold impact we desire, we must build our resources to do so. I want the kids to have the tools they need to explore God. I want to continue programming that affirms the experiences of others. I want everyone to be seen by each other, themselves, and God. I feel like I’ve found a living and breathing community that is trying. And that, to me, is the work of God – the consistent effort to live out the best form of Self and community.

Being here I see God in the expansive spiritual practices. I see God in the unending pursuit of living out a Jesus-centered ethic. I see God in the intentional words of praise. I see God in the eyes of some people in the church that say, it’s OK to be seen. It isn’t always this way – we all carry our own loads - but this is a space of transformative potential. My biggest hope for this community is that no one goes unseen.

Forefront is my community now, and I hope to continue meeting and building with others in a way that truly brings the Kingdom of God to this earth. This space is a site of that Kingdom, and I’m so excited to be a part of building out its many paths to love(God).

Join us at our Growing Together Celebration Night!