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We have chosen joy!

We choose joy in this time of trouble.

2020 has been a challenging year to say the least.  But you know what?  We're still here!  We have supported each other emotionally, financially, physically and spiritually.  We have chosen joy in this time of trouble.

In the midst of a pandemic, we found a way to worship together and, in many ways, our services have been more intimate.  From filming at St. Lydia's, to live feeds to various homes, we never missed a Sunday!  Sure, we had some snafus (dropped signals, crashing communion trays, blocked content), but those moments only made our services more special! 

Since March 15th, we have sung 58 songs (33 of which were new).  We were blessed to have 39 members share their talents with us (5 of them shared for the first time).  And I say shared, as each song has been a testimony.  We have consciously chosen songs that have sustained or inspired us, that have spoken to our hearts.  We have chosen joy in this time of loss.

And when we heard the news of yet another unjust murder of a brother by police, we united and sprang into action.  We marched, counseled, prayed, made holy phone calls to political leaders, donated to various causes, committed to educating ourselves.  And, most importantly, we vowed to end practices that promote the default of white privilege that has even been present in our church.  We have chosen to press on, to elevate those who have been marginalized, to fill the gap for those who are weary, to speak up on behalf of all. This is a lifetime commitment, which is one of the pillars of our church. We have chosen joy in this time of strife.

Yes, 2020 gave us many blows, but it has not stopped us from ushering in the next 500 years!  We continue to pray together, take communion together, and hear the word preached together, even if only virtually.  We accepted the message that nothing can separate us from the love of God.  And that love has empowered us to be God's hands and feet; inspired us to stand and persevere; to walk in Gods light and share that light with others.  We...choose...JOY!

Speaking of joy, if you ever need a pick-me-up, go to our YouTube Channel here to view videos from Sunday's service or you can listen to the original artist recordings on our Spotify playlist here

Continued blessings to you all!

Angela Lockett
Creative Director, Forefront Church