We couldn't have done it without YOU!

Where to begin?

We raised over $24,000 to give to others during clarity in crisis. In a few short weeks we've given:

$6100 to our community members who've lost income during the COVID pandemic. 

We've given $4,150 to our community partners. 

We were able to help Ruth's Refuge meet their fundraising goal. In the process, we gave a gift that helped two refugee families find space, furniture, and a home. You did that. 

We gave to the Arab American Family Support Center. In turn, they used our gifts as part of a drive to serve 317 families and 968 individuals! That's amazing. 

You've helped us distribute $1,320 dollars in groceries, air-conditioning units, gift cards, and everything in between. You did that!

And here's the good news. We have money still to give! Perhaps you're in need. Perhaps you've lost clients, income, and anxiety is real. We are here to help!  

During this pandemic we established an ultra-talented care team. Here's what they've done JUST IN THE MONTH OF JUNE!

  • Conducted over 120 virtual wellness emails 

  • Conducted two virtual wellness checks with congregants. Prayer support for a family who had someone on life support. 

  • Provided prayer and one on one pastoral care to a congregant struggling with emotional trauma and in need of direction. 

  • Provided two congregants and two community member with vocational coaching and resources 

  • Provided counseling referrals for two congregant and one community member.

  • Provided crisis intervention support to a congregant 

  • Provided sobriety support to community members

That's amazing. You helped to change these lives! Join our care team and keep up the amazing work!

Our Prayer Team Leaders, Ryan and Jes Cerutti created a prayer guide for those of us who want to pray for justice and jubilee for our Black siblings! Join us praying together! 

Our amazing Justice team continues to work on our Holy Phone Calls to lobby for policies that promote restoration, equity, and justice. You know, kinda like Jesus would do. 

And yes, in the midst of all of it we're still producing a second to none communal worship experience.

Who knew that our little community could do so much to change the world? 

I'm thankful. In the midst of a changing world, each of you has stepped up and done your part. I'm so grateful for this community, for you our volunteers, for your generosity. Your giving makes a difference! It allows us to continue to do the great work that ushers in the kingdom of heaven and a new kind of Christianity. 

And we've just scratched the surface. Stay tuned my friends. There is so much still to come! And sincerely, thank you for joining us on this journey.