Bless the Ballot Week 2: Early Voting Goals

Jeremiah 22:3

Thus says the Lord: Act with justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor anyone who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the alien, the orphan, and the widow, or shed innocent blood in this place.

As followers of Jesus we believe that our goal as Citizens is to speak up for the oppressed and act with Justice and Righteousness. As we covered last week, one of the best ways to do this is to get out and Vote. 

We are now 42 days from the election!

One of our goals as a church is to normalize political action as an expression of our Christian beliefs. Over the next few weeks we will be going over some of the policies that are on the ballot this year, but the first step is confirming that we are registered to VOTE! Once you have registered to vote and checked your registration status, you are ready to sign up for early voting. 

Depending on your state you can either vote early in person or request an early voting mail-in ballot. Check your state regulations here. 

New York State 

In New York, you can vote early from October 24th to November 1st. You can also request mail in voting HERE. 

Click here to read more information and find your early voting polling location in New York.  


In California residents have the option to apply for early voting and complete same day voter registration HERE. 

Due to COVID-19, early voting is more important than ever before. We can reduce the long lines and public exposure to the virus with early voting efforts. Both in person and early voting will have the most impact.  We need to be sure that everyone has the opportunity to vote and cast their ballot. Officials say, that it will be more effective to bring your ballots directly to the post office. 

Please consider offering to drive a neighbor to cast their ballot or help them fill out the early voting information. Expanding early voting measures will make it easier for all citizens to make their voices heard!

This Weeks Challenge: 

Help 3 other citizens make the decision to either vote early or on election day. Send them the information and help them fill out the form! Early voting will help to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

Extra Credit: 

As we mourn the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, many of us are looking for ways to honor her achievements and accomplishments. In 2016 after the death of Justice Scalia, a precedent was set which gave Americans the understanding that Supreme Court Justice picks should not be picked as we are nearing an election.

In order to honor this precedent, and ensure that Congress has enough time to thoroughly vet the next SCOTUS pick, we can ask our senators to wait until election to appoint the next SCOTUS pick. Text RBG to 50409 on RESISTBOT. They will send letters to your representatives on your behalf!
