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After the Election

America is divided. It does not matter for who we voted. The bottom line is that this election has done great damage to our country.

 To say that it will be "okay" is white male thing to say. I am not Muslim, black, a refugee, an immigrant, or a woman. To say that "we'll be okay" is a sign of white privilege. 

We teach our kids to be kind, selfless, and egalitarian. We teach our kids to eschew racism and to stop bullying, and for what? It seems that on either side of this election, the values we teach have gone out the window.

This country is divided. There is much to fix.

But all is not lost. There is much to fix but there will be healing. 

And this is Forefront's greatest calling. Our church has been put here for a time such as this. We as a staff have been put here for such a time as this. Our community is here for such a time as this. It's now on us to take courage and fulfill our calling.

We will continue to uphold and fight for our Muslim brothers and sisters. For they are children of God just like us.

We believe that every life matters. Black lives matter. The lives of anyone who has ever dealt with oppression matters. We have the privilege of loving our neighbor in ways that bring great peace and healing. 

We will continue to fight for immigrants and for refugees. Jesus said that they, not us, are the ones who are blessed.

We will continue to teach our children to be kind, selfless, and egalitarian. We will continue to preach the eradication of racism and bullying. For these are the values of Jesus Christ.

We are a church dedicated to bringing a just and generous expression of the Christian faith into our world, and that doesn't stop. It means that we usher in justice and generosity whenever and wherever we can. It's starts today, and it starts with each and every one of us.

Yes, things have changed, but all is not lost. There is hope in the radical, just, and generous love of Jesus. 

Today, no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, I invite you to join us as we live out our calling to cultivate a just and generous expression of our Christian faith. 

Thanks for joining us on the journey.