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How Can I Be More Like Esther?

I found this poem on the streets of San Francisco a couple of years ago. It makes me think about how much my mood can affect what I see and how I think about life. When I'm in a bad mood it's easy to get weighed down by the little things... a crowded train, a dead phone battery, a conflict with a customer service person can send me over the edge. But when I'm happy and present, I notice beautiful little coincidences all around me. If I can only align myself with good things and give my frustrations over to God, it becomes easy to see how He is at work in my life and in the lives of the people I meet. 

I'm now studying the Old Testament book of Esther, the story of a sex-trafficked orphan turned queen turned savior of her people. I think about how God was at work in Esther's life and I wonder if I would have as much faith if I was her? Would I know when God needs me and have the courage to be like Esther?

I really recommend reading this short book (it's only ten little chapters!) You can find The Message version of the scripture here. But Ben Grace and I have taken it upon ourselves to write you a brief summary of the story - because we want you to know it that badly! You can read this one-page summary here.