Forefront Church NYC is a progressive Christian Church with a vision to be a just and generous expression of Jesus Christ for our community, for our city of New York, and beyond.
We’re a church that meets in the heart of downtown Brooklyn, New York. We have about 450 people who call Forefront Church their communal home. We average about 250 people in attendance at our two Sunday morning services.
Forefront’s staff consists of one full time Lead Pastor, a full time Community Pastor, and three part time staff members who lead our families, praise and worship team, and our tech and production team.
The Forefront leadership team is made up of three women and two men. Our Leadership team is LGBTQIA inclusive and racially diverse.
We truly believe that Forefront Church is ushering in the next 500 years of Christianity. Every 500 years we see a major shift in Christianity and we believe that Forefront Church is a pioneer in creating new ways to live out our faith. We have an enormous opportunity to set a new standard for spiritual growth, to heal people from the angry God they know, to redefine the idea of “evangelical,” and to literally save the lives of many who believe that they are not loved or cannot be loved by God. We believe the good news that Jesus Christ comes to show us God’s true heart for humanity and that we’re so loved by God, that we get to take part in bringing the peace that God intends here to this kin-dom on earth.
We’re an inclusive church because we believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is generous and inclusive.
We believe in a just and generous God who was never separated from us. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are so that we can change our minds about the goodness of God, not so that God can change God’s mind about our goodness.
We believe that we’re growing in our understanding of scripture. Scripture is not dead. God still speaks to us through it. Our eyes are opened to all of the ways that scripture is a wonderful library of wisdom that still teaches us to this day. Our belief in an inspired but evolving scripture captures the good news of God throughout the ages.
We believe that the good news extends outside of our church. It extends to the changing of broken systems and being allies to our neighbors. We will continue to work with marginalized immigrant groups. We’ll work to end systemic racial injustice. We’ll continue to advocate for the LGBTQIA community.
Our ideal Community Pastor is an implementer of our just and generous vision and is passionate about creating a welcoming, affirming, and authentic community. Our Community Pastor has a heart for marginalized communities and sees the rise of their equity as a sign of God’s kin-dom here on earth. Our Community Pastor believes that following Jesus Christ is indeed good news that frees us from the bondage of law, eradicates shame, and renews our sense of love and belonging. Our Community Pastor is excited to disciple our community through the deconstruction of an old cultural faith and to reconstruct a new way of looking at the Gospel message.
Our Community Pastor is an integral part of our vision to continually care for a community ready to bring the just and generous Gospel of Jesus Christ to future generations in life giving ways that change the course of Christianity for the better.
We strive for 3 levels of engagement:
1) Sundays (local community, weekly services)
2) In Our City (volunteer opportunities, ministering)
3) Nationally (through our podcast, articles, social media)