Matter : A Series Recap


...we concluded our series titled, "Matter: Commerce In The Kingdom of God."

In all of the series' I've been a part of concerning the topic of money over the years, I must say that this was by far, one of the most enjoyable I've participated in.

As with many series' at Forefront Manhattan, the talks all build and play off of each other.

I'm posting them below in case you missed any of them. 

Special thanks to Joe Boyd for joining us on week 3. Special thanks, also to the city of Cincinnati for letting New York borrow him for a Sunday.

After listening to the talks, if you're moved to contribute to what God's doing in the city, we've got an easy way that you can, right from your phone, tablet, or computer. Watch this video to see how. 

Week 1: Go(l)d

In week one we looked at how idolatry is the natural bi-product of our behavior when we become uncertain of God. 

Click here to see the media from this talk.

Week 2: Provisional Comparison

In week two we asked an important question, “What is wealth?” and we looked at the importance of remembering all that God has done for us, and to do all we can to avoid a life of comparison.

Click here to see the media from this talk.

Week 3: Justice and Generosity

In week 3, Joe Boyd did a fabulous job of explaining how generosity begins with a sense of justice-- when we see things that aren’t right in the world- and we want to make them right with our money.

Week 4: Pyramids

In our final week, we looked at priorities and plans when it comes to our spending and our faith. 

Click here to see the media from this talk.