Here are some practices to follow the message from Manhattan yesterday. You may want to use them in your devotional time or with your small group.




Read the passage above, then answer and/or discuss the following questions.

1. Why do you think Aaron asked the Israelites to do something with their gold instead of any of their other possessions?

2. Why does our gold mean so much to us?

3. How much time would you estimate that you give to the maintenance of your material goods?

Consider the statement above, then answer and/or discuss the following questions.

1. What areas of your relationship with God are you most uncertain of right now?

2. What is it that gives you the greatest sense of security in your life?

3. Do you ever worry about your future and the role that God will play in your life as you get older? If so, elaborate.

Read the passage above, then answer and/or discuss the following questions.

1. What do you struggle with being devoted to in your finances?

2. What do you struggle with despising?


Take a moment to pray.

1.  Thank God for the the values he has instilled in you, and ask him to shape your values further as a person of faith.

2. Thank God for his love, and ask for him to cause you to love him more completely.