I got the chance to spend Sunday with our Forefront family across the river in Brooklyn. We continued our series, "Thankful" looking at what the ancient practice of communion means for us today.

Below are some follow up questions you can use in your devotional time or small group after viewing the video of the talk above.

See you next time, Brooklyn. It was great being with you.



Read the verse above and answer the following questions.

1. What is it about this passage that is strange to you?

2. What is it about this passage that you find hard to accept?


Read the statement above and answer the following questions.

3. What is it about your life that causes you to feel as if you are falling short of God's expectations of you?

4. What are some behaviors you find yourself resorting to in order to atone for your mistakes?  


Read the quote above and answer the following questions.

5. What are some moral expectations in the United States that you see mirrored in other cultures?

6. What are some moral expectations that you have of others that you are often guilty of not practicing yourself?


Read the passage above and answer the following questions.

7. Why did Jesus give his body and his blood? Was it for God or was it for you?

8. What are some ways you can practice seeing God differently because of what Jesus did for you?

9. Is atonement something that is intended to change God's view of you, or your view of God?


Pray the following prayer individually or as a group.

Vast God, we are so often less than vast in our understanding. 

You are difficult. Your ways are difficult. The things you ask of us are often difficult, and yet  strangely still, we want more of that difficulty, because we love you.

Thank you for drawing us to places of contradiction where we must fully trust you.

May we be keenly aware of your unconditional love and grace that is ours because of your Son, Jesus.
