Here are some practices to follow the message from Manhattan yesterday. You may want to use them in your devotional time or with your small group.

You can also download a transcript of the sermon by clicking here. Forgive the typos and grammar-sins. Our notes hardly ever make it through a proofreader.

Enjoy, and as they say at Duane Reade, "Be well."


"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."   

- 1  Corinthians 6:19-20



1 ) Tomorrow morning, while getting ready for work, look at the reflection in the mirror and recite the following.

"I am a temple of the Holy Spirit."

"My body is a holding container for God."

"God is alive in me."

"I worship God today by acknowledging that I am beautiful."


2 ) Once arriving at work, recite the following before starting your day.

"God lives in the people that I work with."

"I will love them as I love myself, a house of the Living God."

"God is alive in all of us."

"I worship God today by working well and by serving my co-workers."


3 ) When you sit down to eat tomorrow, pause and recite the following.

"I am eating today to nourish the temple of God."

"My body is a holding container for God."

"God is alive in me."

"I worship God today in my eating."


4 ) After work, if you go out for Happy Hour, recite the following before entering the venue.

"I eat and drink to the glory of God, not the for the service of self."

"My body is a holding container for God."

"God is alive in me."

"I worship God by enjoying community and conversation."


5 ) At night when you are getting ready for bed, look into the mirror and recite the following.

"I am a temple of the Holy Spirit."

"My body is a holding container for God."

"God is alive in me."

"I worship God by resting well and by trusting that he watches over me while I sleep."