Here are some practices to follow the message from Manhattan yesterday. You may want to use them in your devotional time or with your small group.

You can also download a transcript of the sermon by clicking here. Forgive the chicken scratches and typos. These are the very notes that were used from the stage. Thanks in advance for wading through the grammatical mess.



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1. Consider the definition above. 

- Do you agree? Disagree?

- Think of some examples of sin in your life. Do they fall into this category?

- Why or why not?

2. Consider the statement above. 

- Do you agree? Disagree?

- When you confess your sins to God, do you ever worry that he is angry with you?

- Why or why not?

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3. Consider the portion of Psalm 51 above. 

- What are some ways that you are experiencing brokenness in your life right now?

- How can you interpret this brokenness as a place that "God does not despise?"

- How is God shaping your through confession?


4. Conclude with a time of honest confession to God, and thank him for his restoring grace.