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Bless the Ballot Week 1: Vote Vote Vote

Proverbs 31:8-9

Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable.

Speak out in order to judge with righteousness and to defend the needy and the poor.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to take care of the poor, the widow and the orphan (ref James 1:27), in other words, those with the least social, physical and economic protection in our society. What does that mean concretely?

Our mission in the days leading up to the election is to empower you to have your voice heard.

One of our goals as a church is to normalize political action as an expression of our Christian beliefs. One of the ways we can do so is by voting for policies that will enable us to live out our values publicly. That’s why it’s so important to register to vote. The deadline for NYS is Oct 9th. You’ll find a list of all voter registration deadlines, organized alphabetically, HERE.

Counting down to the election, we will talk about additional actions that you can take as well as provide information on where the candidates stand on the issues, and how you can make your voice heard. Each week we will also have a challenge to involve everyone in our community.

This is our opportunity to make meaningful change and to positively impact our communities. Check out the Justice league and sign up for the Bless the Ballot campaign. 

To kick it off we are opening up our first challenge to our entire community and encouraging everyone to GET REGISTERED.

If you believe that you are registered, but want to check your voting status, we encourage you to do this at least 30 days in advance by clicking HERE.