For the next five weeks, we want to tell stories of people who serve with Forefront Church. We're grateful for the people of our community who live out our vision to see lives and neighborhoods restored and renewed through Jesus Christ.


Chris Miles

Greeting Team


I came to Forefront after visiting a lot of churches and feeling like I was just another guy putting a dollar in the offering basket whenever it came around. Anonymous. At Forefront I met people who openly wanted me to be a part of their community. I know a lot of people in the church, and they know me. They share the same experiences as me, face the same problems, have the same questions I do. In a crowded and noisy city, it's nice to have a group of people to lean on. That said, I want to give back to this special community. I serve because it feels good to help build a community I'm proud of.

“In a crowded and noisy city, it’s nice to have a group of people to lean on.”

We're thankful for Chris and the ways he helps others experience the same special community. We look forward to hearing other stories of life change and service? 

What's your story?