In this episode Sarah E. Cannon, Brandan Robertson and Colby Martin talk about the "clobber" passages about homosexuality in the Bible and share their journeys to reading these Scriptures in a new light.
From Ferguson to New York to Germany, Lisa has been leading trainings and helping mobilize clergy and community leaders around shared values for the common good as Sojourners Chief Church Engagement Officer. Through preaching, writing, training, network development, and public witness Ms. Harper engages the church in the work of justice and peacemaking.
In this episode Amy Butler talks politics, social justice, gun violence, and what it is like to be the "first" woman leading an influential organization.
Interviewer: Ryan Phipps and Ben Grace
Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, "Pastor Amy," is the 7th Senior Minister at The Riverside Church in New York City. She is the first woman to hold the position of Senior Minister since the church opened 84 years ago. Pastor Amy wonders aloud all the time about: faith, church, living in community, the deep meaning of life, and, everything else, too.
In this episode Brian McLaren talks about his own spiritual migration from fundamentalism to a just and generous Christianity, and the four places we should see the transformative kingdom of God breaking in: people, planet, poverty, peace.
Interviewer: Jonathan Williams and Jen Fisher
Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, and a passionate advocate for "a new kind of Christianity" - just, generous, and working with people of all faiths for the common good. His brand new book "The Great Spiritual Migration" is released on September 20, 2016 and Brian is one of the keynote speakers for Forefront NYC's "Faith, Culture, Questions" fall series.
In this episode Jonathan Martin talks about his brand new book "How to Survive a Shipwreck", and dives deep into death, baptism, the South, and the power of failure.
Interviewer: Ben Grace
Jonathan Martin is a sacramental hillbilly Pentecostal mystic and the author of How to Survive a Shipwreck and Prototype. He is a product of the "Christ-haunted landscape" of the American south, sweaty revivals, and hip-hop.
In this episode Jacqui Lewis and Jim Kast Keat talk about the history of Middle Collegiate, social justice, an evolving faith and why it's important to let go of fear.
Interviewer: Jonathan Williams, Jen Fisher and Ben Grace
Middle Collegiate Church is a celebrating, culturally diverse, inclusive and growing community of faith where all people are welcomed just as they are as they come through the door.