Posts in Keli Young
These Bodies: Every Body is Good! | Keli Young

Our bodies have been dehumanized, criminalized, fetishized, sexualized, and desexualized. Keli's body’s existence in this country came about through the commodification of her ancestors’. That violent intersection of white supremacy and capitalism still informs her relationship with her body. And it is only through the constant unlearning of harmful ideologies (because there are so many!) that she can preach on the topic: Our Bodies are Good! And they are good!

She is excited to start our “These Bodies” sermon series with you all. We will be discussing sexual ethics and purity culture, decolonizing the body, aging and ageism, reclaiming our bodies, mental health and trauma, and body images. But before we can dive into any of that, she believes it is critical that we accept, and walk in, the inherent goodness of our bodies!

Join us as we begin the journey of dismantling harmful influences and embracing the truth that we are fearfully and wonderfully made!

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We Will Not Be Silent: BIPOC | Keli Young

Keli discusses how the influence of white supremacy on interpreting the Bible has caused BIPOC communities to forsake their cultural practices. We explore three key practices: ancestor veneration, meditation, and cleansing rituals, which have been marginalized despite being used by and for Jesus. Decolonizing our faith involves embracing inclusivity, listening to BIPOC voices, reclaiming and celebrating cultural practices, and championing justice to dismantle oppressive systems. Our faith should reflect the diversity of God's creation. As we decolonize our faith, we move closer to reconciliation and unity, honoring the cultural practices of our BIPOC siblings and embracing God's all-encompassing love.

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Parables: The Sheep and the Goats | Keli Young

Jesus proclaimed that his liberation was tied with the liberation of the least of these because he was the least of these. And if Jesus, God made flesh, was the least of these, then certainly we are too. And so when we feed the hungry, we are feeding Jesus and ourselves. When we set the prisoner free, we are setting Jesus free and setting ourselves free. Maybe that is what it means to be the Body of Christ.

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What Forms Us: Reason | Keli Young

Keli Young continues our "What Forms Us" series with this sermon on reason. Jesus strains our ability to reason. He was disruptive, not just to systems of oppression but to how people understood the world. but the good news is that we’re not expected to make sense of the world or our faith on our own. The disciples were always curious, constantly trying to figure out Jesus, and by extension their faith. Jesus welcomed their questions, doubts, and fears and he welcomes ours just the same!

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Following Jesus means working for justice.

We are excited to present a first: a Panel Sermon with members of Forefront Church.

In this conversation, Keli Young, Denia Perez and lead pastor Jonathan Williams, bring light to the many examples that show us that a life following Jesus is also a life working actively for social justice. They examine how Jesus calls us to literally proclaim freedom for people who are imprisoned; set oppressed people free.

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