Posts in Venida Rodman Jenkins
These Bodies: Body Image: Let the Transformation Begin | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

Rev. Venida culminates the These Bodies Sermon Series with a message on Body Image. With so many brand and beauty standards attempting to influence how we present ourselves, as well as expectations surrounding how our bodies should behave, Rev. Venida challenges us to renew our minds and to be transformed to the extent that we see ourselves as the beloved of God.

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These Bodies: Honoring Aging | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

As a proud elder, Rev. Venida shares a sermon on aging. From the time we are born, our bodies begin the aging process. With each birthday, we are continuously aware that growing old can come with its fair share of challenges and a host of struggles. How can we live each day with grace and dignity as we age? How can we focus on what we “can” do and not simply what we “can’t” do? How can we rededicate our aging bodies to God as a form of worship?

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Disruption: Seeking Understanding When Everything Has Fallen Apart | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

Rev. Venida shares a message on the story of Job as we continue the Disruption sermon series. Everything Job holds dear — his property, his family, his wealth, his physical health — has been taken from him. Reduced to suffering and misery, Job laments his circumstances and tries to make sense of what has happened to him. How do we also seek to make meaning of our pain?

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Disruption: When Humans Disrupt God’s Plans for Justice | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

What happens when humans disrupt God’s plan for justice? What should be our collective response when we do? Rev. Venida continues our Disruption Sermon Series sharing the good news that God can give us the strength to recreate God’s plans in our own lives with new vision and intention that propel us forward to bring change and liberation to those suffering.

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Those Who Dream: Sow Joy | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

Rev. Venida continues the second Sunday of Advent with a focus on sowing joy. When we sow a seed in the soil, something so small becomes something so big, so beautiful, so nourishing. Expectant mothers Mary and Elizabeth experienced joy that was so big, so beautiful and so nourishing with the seed of a visit. This sermon explores how the small seeds we sow can yield joyful returns.

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Those Who Dream: Dare To Dream | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

Rev. Venida opens the Advent season with our new Sermon Series - Those Who Dream - from the Sanctified Art curriculum. She reminds us that those who dream do not fall asleep to the realities of the world. God prompts us to pay attention to where God’s dreams for change and new life are emerging. In Advent, we remember that God’s ultimate dream is to be intimately connected to us — to come down and dwell among us.

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We Will Not Be Silent: Women Who Use Their Voice | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

Rev. Venida opens up Forefront’s new sermon series with a spotlight on women - women who are courageous and unyielding - women who persevere and refuse to be silent. Women who have for centuries, and will continue to, used their voices and God-given gifting to help transform and liberate lives. Rev. Venida encourages us to learn from their stories and use our voices as well.

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Prayer Changes: Our Path | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

In this second week of the Prayer Changes Sermon Series, Rev. Venida shares statistics and examples related to the spiritual discipline of prayer. She invites us to consider the expansiveness of prayer, something that opens us up to more of God’s greatness, beauty, and love where it changes the path that we think we are on, to a shift in perspective and purpose giving us renewed hope.

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Sacraments of the Church: Confession | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

In this 6th message of the Sacraments of the Church sermon series, Rev. Venida preaches on the sacrament of Confession including its origin, how it is embraced today, and how a practice that has been used as a tactic to exert power and harm others has also been used to share one’s truth and connect more authentically with God, self and others. All this and more…

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Sacraments of the Church: Marriage | Rev. Venida Rodman-Jenkins

Our Sacraments Sermon Series begins with a spotlight on marriage. Rev. Venida talks about the history of marriage, how it has evolved over time, and how we can reposition our ideas about marriage to further incorporate Jesus’s words to love God, ourselves, and others. This can start with marriage partners focusing on the love they have for each other, and then extending that love to intentionally work as agents of change through God’s love, so that double the lives can become recipients of Jesus’s love, healing, power, and joy.

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Parables: The Parable of the Sower | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

God has lavishly showered on us messages of abundance and hope. Unfortunately, the cares of this world can sometimes be overwhelming and cause us to fall into despair and doubt who we are and our purpose in life. In a continuation of The Parables sermon series, Rev. Venida reminds us of the importance of investing and nurturing those things, again and again, that will allow us to constantly bear good fruit.

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Why Communion and the Cross: Born Again: The Remix | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

Our Communion and Cross sermon series explores what it means to be Born Again. We take a look at the story of Nicodemus and the way he was intrigued by Jesus life’s life – the way he touched and healed people who were deemed unlovable and untouchable, and the compassion he showed for everyone regardless of their status. Jesus helped to broaden his understanding of what it means to be born again, and perhaps this sermon can guide us in exploring the same.

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Why Communion and the Cross: Barriers are Down - No Gatekeeping | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

NOTE: Due to a recording glitch with the livestream, there are about three minutes missing from this sermon. There will be a brief pause around 10:40, and then the sermon will resume as delivered.

The third week of the Communion and the Cross sermon series continues with a look at the restrictions around receiving communion within various faith traditions. The good news is that we can freely come to the communion table, without barriers or restrictions because there is no gatekeeping.

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Cultivating & Letting Go: Time to Breakthrough | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

Easter Sunday marks the culmination of the holiest week of the Christian calendar all over the world. It is the fulfillment of prophecy where we celebrate the resurrection power of Christ Jesus. This sermon highlights the various ways Jesus reunites with his close friends after rising from the grave. It also illustrates how our 40 days of Lent and spiritual gardening has allowed new life to breakthrough in us through our union with Jesus.

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Cultivating & Letting Go: Cultivating Lavish Love for Yourself & Others | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

The 5th Week of Lent highlights John 12, and a very unique experience which Jesus has in Bethany while sharing a meal with friends. This selfless act helps us consider the special ways we too can confidently give of ourselves with abandon, and exercise lavish love for ourselves which can ultimately be extended to others as we seek to build community.

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