Cultivating & Letting Go: Letting Go of Giving Up (A Discussion on Cancel Culture) | Nytasha

Recent Bootcamper Nytasha joins us for the third week of Lent as we tackle “The Parable of the Fig Tree.“ This parable told by Jesus in Luke 13 is given as an answer to the question of cause and effect as it relates to good and evil. Follow Nytasha as she explores this concept from a different angle, Cancel Culture and our society’s insistence of giving up on those who do not bear fruit.

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Cultivating & Letting Go: Cultivating Meaningful Work | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

Rev. Venida journeys through the second week of Lent with a focus on Cultivating Meaningful Work. In the highlighted Gospel story, Jesus boldly places priority on ensuring that he was accomplishing his goals, rather than shirking back because of fear, uncertainty or distrust. Jesus’s work of love, healing and transformation can help us feel more content with ourselves, and the gifts we extend to others.

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Cultivating & Letting Go: A Smorgasbord of Ways to Connect with God | Rev. Josh RaderLee

Rev. Josh started our Cultivating and Letting Go series by connecting the story of Jesus fasting and praying for forty days in the desert in order to cultivate the beginning of ministry to the value of us cultivating our spiritual lives so that we are prepared for the struggles and tribulations of our everyday life. Jesus wanders with God as a spiritual practice, thus preparing him to face trials and stay centered on his purpose. Many of us may have gotten out of the routine of spiritual practices or have baggage around being guilted to read our bible or pray. But quite frankly there is a smorgasbord of ways to connect with God and perhaps we can engage these opportunities anew.

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Bible Say What?: Seeing Yourself in the Text | Makenzie Gomez

In the final sermon of this series, Bible Say What, Pastor Mak explores the journey to finding oneself in the very text that may have once been used against us. How can someone begin to find themselves in the text if they haven't even felt permission to find themselves in the church? So many of us here have come from a background of harmful theology, myself included. Many of us have been told or taught that our very existence is shameful and unwelcome in Church. If we’ve been told we shouldn’t even be seen in a church, how on earth are we supposed get to a place of seeing ourselves in the text. If the messaging that’s been ingrained in us leaves people like us out, or worse- characterizes people like us as the villains, how are we to feel anything other than distant and resistant to opening the Bible, let alone reading it with the intention of seeing ourselves in it. It can feel incredibly daunting. It feels incredibly daunting to me. One could say this sermon topic is the “scare the you-know-what out of me” assignment. But like the intention behind my acting class, sometimes we need a push to get out of our own heads, move beyond the box the world has put us in, and address the fear that's been holding us back.

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Bible Say What?: Is the Bible Authoritative, Inspired, Inerrant? | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

In today’s sermon we ask questions related to the Bible, and whether it is the authority which is the word of God to be believed and obeyed; or whether its words were inspired by God; or whether it’s infallible and free from errors and untruths. There are so many different beliefs and theological perspectives, and there probably will be until the end of time.

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Bible Say What?: Often Missed Themes in the Bible | Rev. Josh RaderLee

What themes do you think can easily be missed if reading this text from a place of power and privilege? Jesus placed himself in solitary with the weak and so did Moses and the 17 prophets in the Hebrew Bible. So what happens if you don’t find yourself as weak? Might you find it difficult to see yourself in the narrative of Scripture as the one in need, being oppressed, held captive. Jesus came to give sight to the blind… perhaps this is spiritual metaphorical blindness. In this sermon you’re invited to see the text anew from the perspective of black liberation, how might this lift is a spiritual blindness to see a broader vision?

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Bible Say What?: The Who, What, Where, When, & Why of the Bible | Rev. Josh RaderLee

Ever heard someone refer to the Bible as the manual or GPS for life, the magic 8 call, the rule book? Well Rev. Josh started our new series, Bible Say What? By exploring questions like: What is the Bible if not a GPS? Who wrote the Bible? Who decided what books were included? When did it come together? How and Why do we even read the Bible? Some of the responses to these questions just may surprise you…

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From Generation to Generation: We Keep Seeking | Rev. Venida Rodman Jenkins

Using the story of the Magi visit to Jesus, and the escape to Egypt, this sermon reminds us of how individually and collectively, we keep on seeking Jesus. We keep connecting with Him through worship, and through the love, joy, and goodness we share with others. It also reminds us that even in the most unlikely of circumstances, God will continue to graciously be found holding our questions, answers, and all of who we are, from generation to generation.

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From Generation to Generation: We Can Choose a Better Way | Rev. Josh RaderLee

Have you ever experienced a shift or change in how you understood yourself, God, spirituality, the world, racism, sexism, sexuality, or perhaps your expectations for yourself vs. your family's expectations? Has it ever been difficult for certain people to trust where God is guiding you? Have they struggled to stand alongside you through every season of your life? Well in this sermon Rev. Josh Lee looks at similar challenges that Mary and Joseph faced as they discerned their unexpected future together. Joseph choose a better way after a divine intervention that shifted the way he saw God, himself, and his fiance. Do you or someone you know need a divine intervention to shift their or your thinking?

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From Generation to Generation: There Is Room For Every Story | Rev. Josh RaderLee

Pastor Josh kicked off our advent series, “From Generation to Generation” with a kid-friendly sermonette by highlighting the generations of Jesus' ancestry from Matthew 1. In that long list of names, we remember the trauma and triumph of those who came before; each name holds a story and their story gives way to Christ’s story. What is your story? Who is part of shaping your story? And how are you loving and living to shape the next generation?

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The Antidote to Racism: Collectivism over Individualism | Rev. Josh RaderLee

In the third week of our antidote to racism series, Rev. Josh RaderLee shares how he first became aware of his own individual privilege which opened his eyes to see racism as something that went beyond individual bias or internalized racism. But instead, we must actively let go of supremacy complexes that one way is better or normal. Remembering that deeming some people or cultures as "better" and "normal" requires that we dehumanize all those designated as "less than" and "abnormal"

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The Antidote to Racism: Cherish The Messiness (One Right Way and Perfectionism) | Angela Lockett-Colas

Pastor Angela continues our series on The Antidote To Racism, with the topic: Cherish The Messiness (One Right Way and Perfectionism). Inspired by the movement to dismantle White Supremacy Culture, we will discuss antidotes and explore scriptures that dispel the practice of exclusion and division.

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The Antidote To Racism: Tell Me More: How Is It Racism? Denial and Defensiveness | Makenzie Gomez

Pastor Mak kicks off our four week series, The Antidote To Racism, with the topic: Tell Me More: How Is It Racism? (Denial and Defensiveness). We are drawing from the White Supremacy Culture Characteristics and their accompanying antidotes and looking at the story of Peter denying Jesus 3 times (Luke 22:31-34, 54-62; John 21:15-17). Read more about Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture here.

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What Motivates Our Values... Love | Rev. Josh RaderLee

Pastor Josh wraps up Our Values series by highlighting how love of God, self and others informs every part of our values and theology. We will explore how we can be intentional to foster a deeper understanding of God’s love for us, so that we can grow in our love for ourselves and ultimately then extend that love to others. Many of us have been taught in fundamentalist forms of Christianity that we are inherently evil, bad, broken, and flawed. It’s hard to love yourself when you’re taught that you’re not loveable. It’s no surprise then that the same folks who are taught to believe they are inherently evil, don’t love themselves and in effect do a really shotty job loving others. Because they truly are loving others as they love themselves, which is not very much. So let’s recalibrate our love this Sunday!

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Our Values: Theological Distinctives of Forefront | Rev. Josh RaderLee

Rev. Josh RaderLee wraps up a series on our values by highlighting our theological distinctives as a community. Many churches and denominations have a beliefs page, doctrinal statement or creed that defines who they are. However, as an interdenominational church, we are united by our shared values not our beliefs. Under the banner of these values that gives space for a lot of different theological believes to be held at Forefront. While there are common theological distinctives that many at Forefront may hold we do not expect anyone to ascribe to those distinctives to be apart of our diverse community of faith.

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